Aluminium Windows

Our aluminium windows are manufactured to bespoke specifications, meaning that your new windows will be created to perfectly suit your home’s unique requirements.


What are aluminium windows?

Aluminium windows feature aluminium framing and are an excellent alternative to timber, PVC or steel windows due to their lightweight construction and durability. Since aluminium is a very strong material, it makes it possible to construct very narrow window framing, which essentially maximises the glazing within your windows. Slim aluminium window frames can therefore increase the viewing space of your window and maximise the amount of natural light that streams into your home.

Premium grade aluminium windows benefits

Aluminium is a robust yet lightweight material and perfect for window framing because it’s low maintenance and provides excellent longevity. Aluminium windows will not rust and can hold up against even the most extreme British weather conditions. They don’t swell or warp like wooden window frames, and if you opt for casement windows, which allow the sash to close flush inside the outer frame, you can enjoy a sleek, stylish finish which maximises sightlines.

What are aluminium windows like in terms of thermal performance?

All our windows feature Aerogel, which is the best insulator in the world and used to insulate spacesuits and space shuttles. By incorporating it into their aluminium window frames, we are able to minimise heat transfer between indoors and outdoors and maximise thermal efficiency. Not only does this help to keep heat in during winter and reduce the amount of energy wasted in heating the home, but it also helps to maintain a cool, stable temperature during summer.

  • Bespoke manufacture. The windows are produced to your exact sizes.
  • 180 RAL colours available or Farrow and Ball or any British standard colour
  • All windows come in a range of glazing styles
  • Fully guaranteed
  • A wide range of designs available
  • Supplied within 7 days
  • Nationwide delivery
  • Full design and specification service

A huge variety of powder coat options

All our windows and doors are finished with a durable powder coating, which not only maximises their lifespan, but also allows you to customise their colour. You can choose from 180 RAL colours, any British standard colour, or Farrow and Ball shades. This vast choice allows you to select a colour scheme which suits your personal tastes while complementing other aspects of your home’s design. Anthracite grey is one of the most popular shades, but you could also choose a bold and bright colour for a more unique look. There are even wood effect coatings available, which allow you to harness the classic appearance of real wood while enjoying the low maintenance, durable features of aluminium. With such a vast array of colours to choose from, our aluminium windows will look timeless and elegant in both modern and traditional homes.

What are aluminium windows best used for?

One of the best aluminium windows benefits is that they’re highly versatile and suitable for all areas of the home. We can provide standard, bay and gable windows, all featuring the same high quality thermal performance and security. In regard to their standard casement windows, they can provide a maximum side hung window size of 1000 by 1800 mm, while their top hung windows can be as large as 1500 by 1500 mm. They can also be coupled together to create larger apertures. Their bay windows are bespoke which makes it possible to choose the angles between each window and customise which windows open. Our gable windows are also built to order and are suitable even for very shallow roof pitches, which allows you to increase the amount of natural light in tight spaces.

Exceptional security features

All our aluminium windows are fitted with Yale Encloser locks, which feature cylindrical cams in the window keeps. This provides a level of security which exceeds the latest standards. Furthermore, we can provide additional security features such as high grade stainless steel hinges, hinge guards, crimped frames and locking handles which reduces their penetrability even further and makes them more secure than sliding windows. We also take every step to surpass British building regulations, giving you peace of mind that your aluminium windows are both secure and safe.

Contact us for a quote

For more information about our aluminium windows, please get in touch and chat with our team about your home and requirements.